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What to Expect

Middle School Dance Tech is a progression leveled course based on dance technique.

Dancers taking this class for their first year will be placed in Dance Tech I. Dancers who have taken Dance Tech I will then move on to Dance Tech II the next year. Dance Tech III is an advanced level class for those who have taken both Dance Tech I and II, or by recommendation from Mrs. Kushner based on ability.

Dance Tech IV is solely for Dance Team students and is audition only.


We study dance technique and choreographic performance in ballet, jazz, tap, lyrical and contemporary styles of dance. All dancers are expected to participate fully in every class. We will also learn dance vocabulary, history, and proper dance and theater etiquette.  


This is a performance-based class. You will be graded daily on effort, preparedness and behavior.


We dress out for class each day. Be sure to bring dance attire listed on the "Need for Class" tab ,

with your initials written inside.


We will have at least 3 performances throughout the year. All performances will count as a summative grade.


Most female students will have an assigned cubby in the dressing room to keep their dancewear items in.

If you do not get a cubby this year, please bring a small plastic bin or large ziploc bag with your name

on the outside to keep your things in for class. 


Boys will dress in the bathrooms located in the classroom and will need a small plastic bin or

large ziploc bag to keep their dancewear items in.


No outside shoes are allowed on the marley dance floor.

Dancers will remove their shoes before entering the classroom each day.


You can purchase all necessary dancewear items at Dance Depot in Daytona.

Tell them you dance at Ivy Hawn and they will help you get everything you need for class and performances!



We use the app, "Band," for a lot of our communication. Band allows us to create a private class page where I will post updates and reminders as well as pictures and videos of class and choreography. You are able to private message me through Band, which works like a DM on social media. Parents and students are encouraged to join the Band app page for class so everyone is included in the information I send out.


I also send out weekly emails addressing what we will be learning in the upcoming week and important information regarding performances and events.

Be sure to give me parent and dancer emails to include in these weekly updates. 





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